
The refreshing breeze of this spring morning makes the bright green leaves of the trees glow in the light of the new day. Rain from the previous day has doused the abundance of pollen for a while and rendered the air fresh and wholesome. A restful night’s sleep and a refreshed atmosphere enhanced by more flexible movement promises a day filled with physical productivity. Gratitude fills this heart as it supplies oxygen and nutrients to a willing body. Experience has taught that overenthusiastic activity on those feel good and flexible days can in short order render a body fraught with pain and stiffness. Today, moderation takes center stage as we enjoy the abundance of blessings and grace. Our thankfulness today is enhanced by the presence of glee at the absence of some pain and rigidity. May this grateful mind nurture the seeds of love that gives back to the great provider!

A morning mist rises from the pond as warm water meets the chill of the spring air. The starry sky from last evening has given way to the glowing bright sun streaking through the eastern sky. Nature is yet again showing her majesty as a reminder that we humans are not in control. Just three days ago, torrents of rain created a deluge soaking the already saturated soil. As this dawn arrived I began my day in prayerful thanks for life and the beauty and challenges that lie therein. Though frustrations sometimes abound this boomer finds reason for celebration of the opportunities to experience them and move forward through them. Difficulty buttoning a shirt or keeping a pace when walking or seemingly throbbing through every heartbeat does slow this youthful minded old codger down. Nevertheless, another day has arrived signaling victory in having lived through the challenges of yesterday and bearing hope for the victory of today. Gratitude truly is the well from which a life of opportunity is drawn each day. May your well never run dry!

Slowly, the bare limbs protruding from the forested hills give way to new growth of green leaves. Various species of birds, some brightly colored and others less differentiated, flock to the feeder and fields collecting seeds and worms in preparation for what will soon be their nesting time. Nature is experiencing her annual revival as though giving thanks for the reprieve from the harsh winter climes. Squirrels scamper from limb to limb before ascending to the forest floor in search of easily uncovered morsels. Every winter comes to an end and every spring has her beginning. Likewise, days of weakness, rigidity, and muscle resistance have their appointed time to move on to at least partially restored agility. Gratitude is truly the nutrient substance sustaining each day. May your soil of faith be enriched by a healthy mixture of gratitude and grace!

The sun is bright and the temperature is rising. Flowers are growing and the fruit trees are blooming. Grass is getting greener and the chickens are feasting and producing eggs like never before. Springtime is claiming its right after a bone chilling winter. Forecasters predict yet another visit of winds and rain from the climes of the north, but for every practical purpose, winter has finally passed. With the plentiful propagation of new blooms and greening grasses comes pollen passed on in the air that finds its way to waiting nostrils. Sneezes and watering eyes give further evidence that spring is in full bloom in the Tar Heel State! Through eyes wet with drops of tears this thankful soul watches nature’s door open to the presence of spring and welcomes it joyfully.

Evidence of spring manifests itself more each day. As the unseasonable warmth descends upon the fields and forest daffodils are blossoming in places one would never dream of finding them. Fields and lawn are becoming greener each passing day. Even with the forecast cautioning the arrival of the next unseasonable cold front, new life springs forth in budding plants and flowers. Windows open wide invite a soothing and refreshing breeze through the old farmhouse taking with it the stale confines of winter air harbored during cold days by the old stove. Refreshing and renewing, these spring days give testimony to the cycle of life that inhabits our world. We enjoy the replenishing arrival of this season and recognize that it too will give way to another, then another, and yet another before its arrival again after the earth’s repositioning. The invasion of foolishness would have us believe that this is the “best” season in which to live and insist that life must conform to our belief. This folly is easily recognized, yet so many of us seize the notion that physical agility and flexibility “must” be the norm through all situations at all times. As one “adapts” to the change in seasons so too can one “adapt” to the variations in physical agility without “needing” it to be different at that moment. Just as surely as seasons change so too do the manifestations of physical abilities change, sometimes from hour to hour. Although the “winter” of abilities may visit one may be assured that the “spring” of relative relief may also be on the horizon. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

A warmer breeze is blowing over the leaf barren hills as spring begins her tempting arrival. Even the birds are chirping louder and more longingly than just a few days before. Cackling hens announce the arrival of eggs as the rooster crows his victorious rule over the flock. The old stove is now serving to remove the ever so slight chill rather than its usual role as heater in its domain. With the snow storm having passed just a few days ago, could this now be the opening curtain for the first performance of spring? Each day gives witness to greener fields than the day before as daffodils perk their yellow trumpet blossoms to the morning sun. Nature is emerging from its slumber as the unwelcomed cold begins to retreat. Greenhouse plants eagerly await their transplantation into the waiting soil of the garden. As nature adjusts to the change in weather, so also does this grateful “boomer” begin the process of adaptation to greater movement, the flow of pollen, and the desire for outdoor habitation. Nature’s demonstration of new birth reminds us of the Creator’s provision for new life that we celebrate in the weeks ahead. True gratitude manifests itself in the acceptance of God’s gift of new life as the grace and mercy that it is.

Anticipating the predicted wintry blast in this new spring season, we departed early for our appointment forty miles away. Not a drop of precipitation descended upon our vehicle while traveling that morning. Contrary to the forecast, there were moments of sun peeking through the morning sky as we traveled the country roads to the city destination.  Appointment fulfilled and hopes of improved physical functioning raised, we began our journey back to the warmth of the old farm house. As we ascended a hill toward our destination we could see the gray haze descending upon the landscape like a hen nestling her chicks beneath her feathered breast. We stopped at the local café for a quick lunch break and heard the stories filled with awe of the morning’s “blizzard” of snow that in the warmth of that moment had succumbed to its liquid predecessor. Granddaughter was disappointed at having not witnessed the falling snow for the first time. Grandfather was empathetic and thankful for having been spared the task of driving in the wintry deluge. The subtle but nevertheless present anxiety of the morning’s rush, the extended walking that challenged this resistant body and the culmination of attention to two and a half hours of driving rendered the participating grandpa a bundle of ever increasing pain as the day progressed. Heeding the body’s message, gramps opted for an early evening repose as he drifted into dreamland with a grateful heart. Careful listening to the needs of the aching body turned out to be the best prescription for a brighter day!

The brightness of the morning sun illuminates the eastern sky and reflects brightly off the water of the country pond. A chill fills the outdoor air bringing crisp attention to the now transitioning weather. Nature’s last blast is on its way as the arctic belch is predicted to release its final blow of snow on this awakening spring community. Feeling tired of the lingering winter brings no relief for this stout hearted country boy longing for spring. The agenda is set for the day that prepares the family for what is about to come, whether full force or dribs and drabs. As in most things, preparing for what may be needed is the best antidote for regret. Clothed in garments of gratitude, this thankful soul presses on with a trusting heart set firmly in the hands of his creator.

Ice glazes all upon which the rain had fallen as light illuminates the once dark sky. The worst of the freezing weather has passed as we look now to the dance of spring. Just as one must make plans to accommodate the relatively unfriendly arrival of winter weather, strategies to deal with unfriendly physical impediments must also be made. One cannot deny the arrival or presence of either nor is it wise to ignore the transient nature of each visitor. Change may bring challenge or relief. Either is best met by a heart strengthened with gratitude and cushioned in thankfulness for the Maker’s abiding mercy. Peace may be found as we relax by the stream of change. Thanks be to God for the shore of mercy upon which we stand!

The scratching noise roused me from my cherished slumber as I began to recall that my son’s ferrets were up and at the food in their dish. It is our last full day in Florida this winter and we reflect on how blessed we are to have seen and shared moments with so many friends and family members. A tighter waist band gives evidence to the delightful meals shared with others. Tomorrow brings a day of travel and reorientation to life back at the farm. A routine that reduces the expanded waistline and restores movement and flexibility to pre-vacation states is part of the intention. Gratitude is filling our cup today as we reflect on the blessing of family and friends both near and far. Thankfulness will be the fuel that supercharges our journey back to seeing winter’s close and spring’s new beginning!

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