
Leaves are sprouting bountifully on the black walnut trees as the limbs are aglow with green moss nourished by the days of rain. Green is the predominant color of spring tinted ever so gently with sprigs of white Dogwood peeking beneath the canopy. Bearing the evidence of renewed life, the forest and fields burst forth in their multiple shades of green as though pronouncing their new command of the landscape. After the winter of browns and grays the new kaleidoscope is a refreshing reminder that life’s continuum still exists. A thankful heart embraces the season’s bright arrival and beats with enthusiasm for what is yet to come!

Slowly, the bare limbs protruding from the forested hills give way to new growth of green leaves. Various species of birds, some brightly colored and others less differentiated, flock to the feeder and fields collecting seeds and worms in preparation for what will soon be their nesting time. Nature is experiencing her annual revival as though giving thanks for the reprieve from the harsh winter climes. Squirrels scamper from limb to limb before ascending to the forest floor in search of easily uncovered morsels. Every winter comes to an end and every spring has her beginning. Likewise, days of weakness, rigidity, and muscle resistance have their appointed time to move on to at least partially restored agility. Gratitude is truly the nutrient substance sustaining each day. May your soil of faith be enriched by a healthy mixture of gratitude and grace!

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