
White patches dot the landscape as remnants of the last snow storm remind us that winter is not yet over. Fog permeates the field of vision as cold snow and earth collide with warmer moist air moving through our region. Predictions of spring like temperatures squeezing out rain are followed with those of sub-freezing climes for the following week. As nature behaves as is her way we attempt to keep the small environment in which we live steady in our preferred way. We cannot bring on summer in the outside environment, but with the help of petroleum and dried wood we can create a comfortable space in which the ravages of winter are not present. As PD symptoms begin to ratchet their winter like presence, intensifying pain, stiffness, and tremor, we know that we cannot as yet eliminate the cause. We have made friends with this physiological season in which we live, but we also strive to create an environment in which those “seasonal” challenges do not become the rule. Gratefully, medication and exercise provide the fuel that helps to moderate the environment making the “living” space more inviting. Maintaining a mind embraced with thankfulness enables it to look beyond the symptoms of constraint into the field of hope that is a new season. May the season in which you reside be one that brings hope embraced in the arms of gratitude.

Slowly, the bare limbs protruding from the forested hills give way to new growth of green leaves. Various species of birds, some brightly colored and others less differentiated, flock to the feeder and fields collecting seeds and worms in preparation for what will soon be their nesting time. Nature is experiencing her annual revival as though giving thanks for the reprieve from the harsh winter climes. Squirrels scamper from limb to limb before ascending to the forest floor in search of easily uncovered morsels. Every winter comes to an end and every spring has her beginning. Likewise, days of weakness, rigidity, and muscle resistance have their appointed time to move on to at least partially restored agility. Gratitude is truly the nutrient substance sustaining each day. May your soil of faith be enriched by a healthy mixture of gratitude and grace!

The brightness of the morning sun illuminates the eastern sky and reflects brightly off the water of the country pond. A chill fills the outdoor air bringing crisp attention to the now transitioning weather. Nature’s last blast is on its way as the arctic belch is predicted to release its final blow of snow on this awakening spring community. Feeling tired of the lingering winter brings no relief for this stout hearted country boy longing for spring. The agenda is set for the day that prepares the family for what is about to come, whether full force or dribs and drabs. As in most things, preparing for what may be needed is the best antidote for regret. Clothed in garments of gratitude, this thankful soul presses on with a trusting heart set firmly in the hands of his creator.

The scratching noise roused me from my cherished slumber as I began to recall that my son’s ferrets were up and at the food in their dish. It is our last full day in Florida this winter and we reflect on how blessed we are to have seen and shared moments with so many friends and family members. A tighter waist band gives evidence to the delightful meals shared with others. Tomorrow brings a day of travel and reorientation to life back at the farm. A routine that reduces the expanded waistline and restores movement and flexibility to pre-vacation states is part of the intention. Gratitude is filling our cup today as we reflect on the blessing of family and friends both near and far. Thankfulness will be the fuel that supercharges our journey back to seeing winter’s close and spring’s new beginning!

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