
A bright orange orb rises majestically over the tree tops in the east. Light bursts forth over the landscape bringing with it the joyful welcome from chirping birds and an assertive rooster. Gone is the shadow of the night and the gloomy mist that harbors the croaking of frogs in the pond. The brightness of a new day is upon us as a reminder of the gifts of life with which we are graced. Gone too are the pains of fever and movement that clouded every moment of the day before. A peaceful night’s rest and some help from an antibiotic friend render a greater view of freedom than from the gloomy captives of the day before. Full restoration has not yet arrived, but this host will welcome it with glee. Experience teaches that an overzealous reaction to a slight improvement can send one crashing back to a tedious place of symptom flares. Gratitude consumes the space in my basket of thanks that will serve as sustenance along today’s journey.

A warmer breeze is blowing over the leaf barren hills as spring begins her tempting arrival. Even the birds are chirping louder and more longingly than just a few days before. Cackling hens announce the arrival of eggs as the rooster crows his victorious rule over the flock. The old stove is now serving to remove the ever so slight chill rather than its usual role as heater in its domain. With the snow storm having passed just a few days ago, could this now be the opening curtain for the first performance of spring? Each day gives witness to greener fields than the day before as daffodils perk their yellow trumpet blossoms to the morning sun. Nature is emerging from its slumber as the unwelcomed cold begins to retreat. Greenhouse plants eagerly await their transplantation into the waiting soil of the garden. As nature adjusts to the change in weather, so also does this grateful “boomer” begin the process of adaptation to greater movement, the flow of pollen, and the desire for outdoor habitation. Nature’s demonstration of new birth reminds us of the Creator’s provision for new life that we celebrate in the weeks ahead. True gratitude manifests itself in the acceptance of God’s gift of new life as the grace and mercy that it is.

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