
The summer solstice reminded us that there is still much light left in each day. Within that light lies opportunities to discover what’s possible. As the ceiling in the old house next door was torn away, the original logs placed there in the 1840’s were revealed in their grandeur. The discovery suddenly led to the possibility of a rustic living room embracing the home’s origin. A few slight layers of accumulated dust were swept away and vacuumed up in the old shop vac and a fresh coat of “white wash” was applied. As we gazed up through the ceiling we could see some light coming through from the gracious old bedroom above. New discoveries brought on new challenges which rendered new opportunities to discover new possibilities for making this newly revised structure a home for family to embrace for years to come. Thankful that there are well bodied family members who enjoy the challenge of changing structures waiting to be reconditioned, this reluctant but slowly accepting host to PD indulged slowly in the process of movements that were both challenging and rewarding. There are weeks of work that are not structural, but will be demanding on those willing to endure the journey for those with the vision of a renewed and welcoming family abode. Each day is filled with chores that challenge stamina and determination and reward the heart filled with gratitude for the richness unfolding.

Overcast skies and a piercing chill greet the morning as the first cloak of autumn is being fitted over the landscape. The initial tease of a cooling night and day was a welcomed reprieve from the sweltering summer sun that both gave and soaked up life in the square foot garden. Memories of childhood now return as we recall the passing of long and warm days that offered greater freedom to roam or discover the myriad of places and objects with which to play. Fall meant less light in which to discover nature’s bounty and the donning of layers of restrictive clothing to maintain body heat. Change is sometimes a welcomed visitor and at other times an intrusive invader robbing one of the familiar routine to which one has grown accustomed. The affliction with which we live reminds us of both elements of change. The unwelcome invader of symptoms that challenge often leaves as abruptly as he arrived giving rise to the welcomed freedom from pain and discomfort. Living in a haven of gratitude has proven to be the source of solace that sustains through the winds of change.

A bright orange orb rises majestically over the tree tops in the east. Light bursts forth over the landscape bringing with it the joyful welcome from chirping birds and an assertive rooster. Gone is the shadow of the night and the gloomy mist that harbors the croaking of frogs in the pond. The brightness of a new day is upon us as a reminder of the gifts of life with which we are graced. Gone too are the pains of fever and movement that clouded every moment of the day before. A peaceful night’s rest and some help from an antibiotic friend render a greater view of freedom than from the gloomy captives of the day before. Full restoration has not yet arrived, but this host will welcome it with glee. Experience teaches that an overzealous reaction to a slight improvement can send one crashing back to a tedious place of symptom flares. Gratitude consumes the space in my basket of thanks that will serve as sustenance along today’s journey.

The steady tapping of rain on the tin roof of the old farm house maintains a mesmerizing blanket of soft sound on this wet North Carolina morning. Light glistens softly over the eastern hill as day breaks the darkness of the evening. Just a few weeks ago, the liquid onslaught would have transformed in the much colder weather to bring us snow and ice. Now, the reverberating rhythm of rain brings liquid nourishment to lawn and budding leaves, thirsting for its arrival. Although this cheering son of spring would prefer bright sunlight, the rain brings thirst quenching relief to fields and forests ensuring an even greener season soon to burst bountifully on the terrain. A pause of thankfulness for God’s provision restores the heart filled with gratitude. A sunny preference does not always fill the need for sustaining life’s journey. Sometimes the cleansing flow of grace and mercy is needed to wash away the dust on a life taken for granted.

Light was streaming through the slightly opened blinds as morning came calling at the farm. The winter solstice has passed and days are growing longer as spring moves closer than before. As I lay contemplating the day ahead, my thoughts went to prayers of gratitude for a solid night’s rest, the presence of a comforting bed, and the sheer joy of another day of opportunities. Pain free and suppler than the day before, this thankful creature arose to tackle another day in the arms of a benevolent Creator. Whether engaged in reading, writing, stoking the stove, or exercising the puppy, gratitude will be the armor against all invaders. Gratitude is the capsule that if taken at least once daily guards against the invasion of sour grapes!

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