
Overcast skies and a piercing chill greet the morning as the first cloak of autumn is being fitted over the landscape. The initial tease of a cooling night and day was a welcomed reprieve from the sweltering summer sun that both gave and soaked up life in the square foot garden. Memories of childhood now return as we recall the passing of long and warm days that offered greater freedom to roam or discover the myriad of places and objects with which to play. Fall meant less light in which to discover nature’s bounty and the donning of layers of restrictive clothing to maintain body heat. Change is sometimes a welcomed visitor and at other times an intrusive invader robbing one of the familiar routine to which one has grown accustomed. The affliction with which we live reminds us of both elements of change. The unwelcome invader of symptoms that challenge often leaves as abruptly as he arrived giving rise to the welcomed freedom from pain and discomfort. Living in a haven of gratitude has proven to be the source of solace that sustains through the winds of change.

A breeze blows from the northeast even as the temperature rises in the wake of increased humidity. Perched comfortably in the lounge chair on the open deck one hears the cackling of the laying hens and the crow of the commanding rooster. Summer has fully bloomed on us and warmth is everywhere. Gazing through the walnut trees to the open pasture beyond brings joy knowing that nature’s course and natural rhythm has brought forth such beauty. The stage is set and the curtain is now opened on the display of characters about to live out today’s production. Some folks will observe the day as living critics deeming the performance engaging and exciting or dull and mundane. Others will recognize that they are the characters called to center stage for the production called life and will with gratitude will take the lead, fully engaging all the props necessary. May the script you live today be on target with the Master Playwright and His unbridled grace.

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