
A breeze blows from the northeast even as the temperature rises in the wake of increased humidity. Perched comfortably in the lounge chair on the open deck one hears the cackling of the laying hens and the crow of the commanding rooster. Summer has fully bloomed on us and warmth is everywhere. Gazing through the walnut trees to the open pasture beyond brings joy knowing that nature’s course and natural rhythm has brought forth such beauty. The stage is set and the curtain is now opened on the display of characters about to live out today’s production. Some folks will observe the day as living critics deeming the performance engaging and exciting or dull and mundane. Others will recognize that they are the characters called to center stage for the production called life and will with gratitude will take the lead, fully engaging all the props necessary. May the script you live today be on target with the Master Playwright and His unbridled grace.

The chill permeates as the fire in the stove continues to heat the walls of its cast iron confinement. Soon the entire room will be toasty and warm; a welcomed haven to human and canine alike. With the morning dawns the opportunity to experience a new day, the chance to discover what is ahead. Waking without pain or excessive discomfort often sets the stage for the day’s interpretation as each act unfolds. Strain, pain, or struggle when arising draws the curtain on a different view of the drama ahead. Whether strained or free of pain, one’s aim is for gratitude that another day will unfold. The observation of the drama unfolding is a product not only of the players but also the eyes by which it is viewed. I contend that gratitude can not only set the stage but also bring the play into the brightest light. May we fill more stages with gratitude in anticipation of grace filled reviews.

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