
Overcast skies and a piercing chill greet the morning as the first cloak of autumn is being fitted over the landscape. The initial tease of a cooling night and day was a welcomed reprieve from the sweltering summer sun that both gave and soaked up life in the square foot garden. Memories of childhood now return as we recall the passing of long and warm days that offered greater freedom to roam or discover the myriad of places and objects with which to play. Fall meant less light in which to discover nature’s bounty and the donning of layers of restrictive clothing to maintain body heat. Change is sometimes a welcomed visitor and at other times an intrusive invader robbing one of the familiar routine to which one has grown accustomed. The affliction with which we live reminds us of both elements of change. The unwelcome invader of symptoms that challenge often leaves as abruptly as he arrived giving rise to the welcomed freedom from pain and discomfort. Living in a haven of gratitude has proven to be the source of solace that sustains through the winds of change.

A slight chill greets the morning sun as the first day of cooler weather ascends from the north. All seems calm as the dew covered yard and meadow glisten in the glow of the new day. Movement today is not labored or painful. It would be easy to give the weather the glory for having brought on a more comfortable clime in which this body reacts with less neuromuscular strain and stress. However, there were days in the height of the summer heat where movement and the pain therewith had their respective ease. In the spirit of a good expansive memory, there were days also in the height of winter when symptoms of this seemingly omnipresent PD were nearly absent. Having no knowledge that there is weather or other temporal cause and effect, this life traveler embraces a bounty of thankfulness for this time of relief and wraps a gift of gratitude in prayers today. These moments of freedom are reminders of the grace we experience from a loving God who bestows upon us what we have not earned and mercifully defends us in the presence of what we truly do deserve.

A new day dawns with a chill embracing the freshly blooming plants and fruit trees on the farm. From the window the fields look warm and inviting. Just a step outside brings forth a different reality of winter’s futile last grasp on a shifting planet. Whether warm or chilled, nature moves on in her never ceasing cycle, producing her best through all circumstances. Memories of seasons past give reason for hope as we look to what lies ahead. Sometimes in the midst of temporary challenges, one pauses to recall that like the fluctuations in the seasons, the body too has its moments of change. A constant presence through highs and lows is the “Author and finisher of faith.” In challenges and in victories; in barriers and defeat; there in the midst is the soul provider reminding one that “I am not my own.” Gratitude fills this heart as it pours out words and prayers of thankfulness to the giver of grace and mercy!

A chill occupies the old farm house as the light of sunrise peeks its way over the eastern hills. Silence permeates except for the occasional moan from the relieved dog now curled tightly around the old shoe left by the sofa last evening. Soon the house will be bustling with the sounds of preparation for the day. As the canine and I sit quietly in the morning glow, I am filled with the wonder of creation and the gift of life that we all experience each day. Some seek to see the gift in life only if challenges do not exist. This pilgrim sees challenges as a part of the gift; a blessing to be unwrapped that brings joy to the giver and meaning to the gifted. May the challenges you face today be unwrapped to discover the gift that waits within.

It was four in the morning and the chill in the air was penetrating. A quick run to the potty followed by a stumble over the ever inquisitive retriever solidified the proposition that sleep would not be revisited soon. Snugly between the covers, one position found a pain requiring adjustment. Then, thoughts went to the passport renewal. Although the renewal is eight months away, this obsessive mind was determined to plan through the process, adding angst to the then sleepless rest seeker. As the renewal was being ordered sleep revisited to be overturned again at the alarm’s call. Arising ever so slowly, the first thoughts were of profuse thanks for seeing another day and the opportunity to discover the joys that lay ahead. As I flicked on the table lamp illuminating the still warm old stove, my heart was pumping praise and gratitude that filled the void of the day gone by. The day’s tasks are now framed gratefully in the arms of thankfulness that all is well and will be accomplished in the light of grace!

Sunlight glistens off the snow draped fields and forest even as icy wind invades the otherwise calm surroundings. The grasp of winter is fully upon us as the temperature dips to seemingly arctic realms. From the relative warmth of the inside one would find it hard to comprehend the icy chasm between the window and the world outside. The arctic grip has come to visit for a while and preparation has been made for her chilled embrace. Fuel for the furnace and wood for the stove serve to comfort the mammals within. A venture out serves as a reminder to us of the warm blessing that awaits our return to the cozy little farmhouse of our youth. Thankfulness invades as a victor over the thermal challenge of the morning and paves the way along the path to gratitude. The embrace of blessings uncovered generates warmth to last the whole day through!

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