
The western sky emits a pinkish hue as the dusting of snow brightens the landscape on this cold winter morning. Another storm is predicted to arrive tomorrow with potentially ominous amounts of snow in its path. The normal chatter of crows in the field is absent as even the birds seem to be hovering close to maintain their warmth. Sunshine is predicted for the day to precede the downpour of snow. We cherish the brightness before the storm. As prepared as we know to be for what may come, we settle in for routine chores and tasks required of residents in the old farm house. Still waking from the shadow of a hard night’s sleep, this unwilling host to Parkinson’s disease contemplates the need for gratitude versus rumination in the presence of stiffness, rigidity, and lumbar pain. Focus on the unwanted only heaps on layers of stress and underlying anger at “my state” whereas intentional focus on thoughts of gratitude lifts me from a place of potential despair to one of peace. Crude and trite thoughts of thankfulness that embrace the notion that “it could be worse” or “look at what others experience” have little foundation upon which this journeyman may rest. Instead, genuine expressions of thankfulness for the victories in challenges past and yet to come serve as fertile soil in which hope may grow and a harvest of gratitude may be gathered. Recognizing this life as a process of living out one’s core of faith rather than the simple experience of an event renders a vista to a whole new landscape. This traveler is discovering the joy of living in the light of gratitude in this journey that is life!

The sun streaks brightly across the frozen snow covered hills as morning ignites the day. Gone are the dark clouds that brought the bounty of snow and freezing rain. The bright light of this day enhanced by the glare from the ice covered snow gives testimony to nature’s ever changing scope. As temperatures rise to the forecasted warm high, the snow and ice will degrade into slush and mud and quench the thirst of the coming spring. Soon daffodils will be in bloom with tulips to follow. We give thanks for the changes that bring joy as we anticipate the bounty of new life exploding upon the landscape. Although sometimes restricted in the winter climes, the coming spring gives hope of greater freedom to roam and exercise differently. Our heart nearly bursts with gratitude as we anticipate the freedom to ride the river trail on the new bike. A store of thankfulness now undergirds our thoughts as the agenda for this day unfolds. Grace for another day has been granted!

Crows are cawing loudly in the meadow as they seek morsels of seed remaining in the now colorless landscape coated with snow and ice. The sky is overcast as prognosticators assert the arrival of another weather front before the dawn of sunny days. Cold, damp, dreary and unwelcoming is the view out the front window. A quick romp with the Golden affirms the accuracy of the view. Nonetheless, the fire in the old stove brings warmth that permeates all that abides within its purview. Likewise, a heart full of gratitude this day stokes this old heart with the warmth of thankfulness that sees beyond the clouds. Thankfulness ignites the dawning of today’s cloudless eyes through which God’s love may be seen more clearly!

Two dark eyes peering from the golden tan head attached to a frantically wagging posterior signal to me a desire to play. Soon, the ball is dropped beside my reclining seat as if saying; “let’s get this going.” Ice covered snow outside precludes a romp in the yard lest there be a furry orb sliding with protest down the hill. Ball in hand and panting pup poised to pounce, the object of retrieval is tossed toward the back door. Scurrying down the hallway and sliding head bound toward the closed and resistant door, her majesty pounced adeptly on top of the ball. A tip tap of toenails along the hallway preceded her return with the orb as she reluctantly gave it up for another pounce down the hallway. The routine repeats itself until all are satisfied that sufficient rounds have been accomplished on this cold winter’s day at the farm. With sun now shining and fire burning briskly, both participants in the fetching game can now settle down to catch the latest news. Filled with thanks for sun and warmth, we are embraced with gratitude for the end of the storm and the beginning of the coming thaw. Thanks is the thread that weaves the warm blanket of gratitude that wraps a grace filled heart!

The storm has passed and the winds are calm. Fields and forest alike are covered in the blanket of snow deposited last evening. The iced over pond is host to waves of frosty white as the morning sun gently peeks its head over the horizon. Peace and calm prevail as road traffic has diminished to just the occasional hearty soul venturing out this bone chilled day. A swing from sixty sunny degrees to a frigid eighteen degrees hosting a beautiful carpet of snow is oddly an exciting and welcomed change for this soldier of the fort who does not need to venture out. Armed with wood for the stove, trusty animal companions and a self imposed list of chores, this cottage dweller gives thanks for another opportunity to experience the goodness of God this day. A glance around the room fills these eyes with pictures and objects that bring back memories for which this soul is filled with gratitude. It is not the object that is cherished; it is the memory and joy of the experience symbolized. Gratitude is the spice that makes life’s feast burst with flavor!

Sunlight glistens off the snow draped fields and forest even as icy wind invades the otherwise calm surroundings. The grasp of winter is fully upon us as the temperature dips to seemingly arctic realms. From the relative warmth of the inside one would find it hard to comprehend the icy chasm between the window and the world outside. The arctic grip has come to visit for a while and preparation has been made for her chilled embrace. Fuel for the furnace and wood for the stove serve to comfort the mammals within. A venture out serves as a reminder to us of the warm blessing that awaits our return to the cozy little farmhouse of our youth. Thankfulness invades as a victor over the thermal challenge of the morning and paves the way along the path to gratitude. The embrace of blessings uncovered generates warmth to last the whole day through!

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