
Crows are cawing loudly in the meadow as they seek morsels of seed remaining in the now colorless landscape coated with snow and ice. The sky is overcast as prognosticators assert the arrival of another weather front before the dawn of sunny days. Cold, damp, dreary and unwelcoming is the view out the front window. A quick romp with the Golden affirms the accuracy of the view. Nonetheless, the fire in the old stove brings warmth that permeates all that abides within its purview. Likewise, a heart full of gratitude this day stokes this old heart with the warmth of thankfulness that sees beyond the clouds. Thankfulness ignites the dawning of today’s cloudless eyes through which God’s love may be seen more clearly!

Clouds boasting bright pink and lavender make a swath across the northern sky as the morning sun makes its appearance from the east. The stillness of the morning permeates the frost laden fields painting an almost surreal picture on nature’s canvas. The artistry signifies a change is on the way. Sun and scattered clouds will soon give way to a darker canopy of rain and snow. The change is inevitable and if comfort is to be maintained, accommodation must be made for its arrival. The change from activity midst tropical breezes and warm surroundings to that of colder and more foreboding climes requires accommodation as well. A change back to regular visits to the health and fitness club along with carefully executed stretching and flexing will restore this movement resistant body to one more adept at negotiating what non disease affected persons experience as normal movement. Blanketed with the embrace of gratefulness this thankful heart beats rhythms of joy at today’s opportunities. Let the victories begin!

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