
A foggy mist hovered the ground as dawn’s first light peeked from the horizon. As cooler air stirs across the landscape the crispness of the new day offers a welcomed reprieve from the unseasonable temperatures of the past week. Sunlight and warmth have combined to give the broccoli and asparagus daily regeneration as they are collected for the weekly stir fry. Even Gracie the Golden Retriever frolics with abandon across the field, stopping only to inspect the remnants of the passing deer from the night before. Gratitude wells up within as we survey the blessings of life on the farm. Although challenges abound not only to stay ahead of the grass in the garden, but also to stay ahead of the stiffness that would rob us of freedom of movement, we tackle each with the power of thankfulness that we have another day of opportunity. Parkinson’s disease is challenging and by the grace granted us we rise to the challenge with a heart full of gratitude and mind of determination to live each day to the fullest! “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

Watching the ball drop in Times Square has been a New Year’s Eve tradition for many years. This time, we all headed to bed as soon as the orb had reached its destination. The first evening of the New Year was filled with restful slumber followed by the dawning of a new day. Risking the trite to uncover the truth, we inwardly glowed with joy in the thankfulness for the new day. In reflecting during the morning of this New Year the impact of realizing that every dawn is the new beginning and thus the new opportunity to live life’s blessing in its fullness filled our heart. If one has ever questioned the blessings of life by counting its challenges as burdens, one need not look further than the new dawn to recognize the opportunity for beginning with thankfulness and gratitude the new gifts of life.

A morning mist rises from the pond as warm water meets the chill of the spring air. The starry sky from last evening has given way to the glowing bright sun streaking through the eastern sky. Nature is yet again showing her majesty as a reminder that we humans are not in control. Just three days ago, torrents of rain created a deluge soaking the already saturated soil. As this dawn arrived I began my day in prayerful thanks for life and the beauty and challenges that lie therein. Though frustrations sometimes abound this boomer finds reason for celebration of the opportunities to experience them and move forward through them. Difficulty buttoning a shirt or keeping a pace when walking or seemingly throbbing through every heartbeat does slow this youthful minded old codger down. Nevertheless, another day has arrived signaling victory in having lived through the challenges of yesterday and bearing hope for the victory of today. Gratitude truly is the well from which a life of opportunity is drawn each day. May your well never run dry!

A hazy moon glow brightened the pre-dawn sky. Two deer in the distance watched patiently as the house spoiled Golden got her early morning relief. The crisp but not freezing air was pleasant to the lungs as prayers of gratitude arose to the witness of another day and its pending opportunities. As the dawn breaks, a mist rises from the cold ground as it is covered by the much warmer air. Likewise, this temple makes plans to bask in the light of its Builder’s grace as it warms to the present reality of mercy. A list of desired accomplishments is now given its subordination to a moment by moment praise for today’s freedom. Thankfulness fills the cauldron from which today’s passions flow.

Coolness permeates the air as night succumbs to dawn on this late fall morning. The chill is a reminder that winter is lurking nearby. Cozy bedding envelopes as a fetal reminder of a warm and safe space that whispers its invitation to remain. Thoughts of the day ahead are quickly laid aside as the mind goes instead to a place of conversation with the Provider of the life giving dawn upon us. Prayers of thankfulness emerge as we ponder the shear wonder of being alive in the Maker’s presence. Impulses to begin focus on the day’s agenda are captured and handed over to being in the presence of gratitude that the day is unfolding and bringing with it the opportunities to honor the Creator in all that is done. We are reminded that even the work we will engage during the day provides a means to honor our God if only in thankfulness for the means to engage. As the day unfolds may it do so in the light of gratitude shone through the prism of grace that clarifies all that we see!

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