
Visitors are virtually always welcome at our humble abode. However, there has been a visitor attached to the Parkinson’s invader whose name is Pain. This visitor is not at all welcome and this unintentional host does everything he knows to avoid this annoying pest. Exercise helps stave off some of his visits, but often he arrives in the middle of a restful repose as though to shout: “hey buddy, I’m here!” A couple of years ago a benign spinal lumbar cyst was discovered and until recently, it appeared to be causing little problems. For several days now it is suspect in the appearance of sharp and piercing pains on the left side. The “stabs” are sometimes frequent and at other times a low throb diminishing to just a tightness. Anti-inflammatory medications are helpful, but fraught with their own insidious side effects, so this host chooses to use them judiciously. Sharing the thoughts of these invasive moments is not intended to draw sympathy, but rather to honestly give testimony to struggles for which there are often frankly no immediate solutions. My common response to pain is anger. Irrational though that response may be it often is the genesis of motivation to not be overtaken by the invader. A mighty partner in this journey is gratitude which serves as a comforting shroud. Wrapped within its satiating folds this host finds peace and the fuel of thankfulness that the discomfort of the invader is not greater than the Grantor of grace who calls us to look His way. Grace is a place where gratitude and thankfulness live without distraction. Admission is free; living there requires surrender.

Ice glazes all upon which the rain had fallen as light illuminates the once dark sky. The worst of the freezing weather has passed as we look now to the dance of spring. Just as one must make plans to accommodate the relatively unfriendly arrival of winter weather, strategies to deal with unfriendly physical impediments must also be made. One cannot deny the arrival or presence of either nor is it wise to ignore the transient nature of each visitor. Change may bring challenge or relief. Either is best met by a heart strengthened with gratitude and cushioned in thankfulness for the Maker’s abiding mercy. Peace may be found as we relax by the stream of change. Thanks be to God for the shore of mercy upon which we stand!

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