
The bright orange glow just above the treetops in the eastern horizon gave evidence to the rising sun. Warm water gave up its steamy mist in the presence of freezing air over the pond. Grass and leaves sparkled in the light of the season’s first frost. Just two days after reverting clocks back to their standard time, the hint of winter has made its mark. Life shows its seasons in nature and in experience. As a child I dreaded the change from summer to fall, then winter. Now I am thankful for having the opportunity of living in the presence of another season where gratitude may blossom. The fullness of life is not diminished by physical impediments when experienced in the face of grace infusing each moment. As this mortal contemplates the beauty of his surroundings he is filled with the inspiration that comes only in the presence of his creator whose connection to and within each moment brings peace. May your day be filled with gratitude in the light of the Master’s grace!

A slight chill greets the morning sun as the first day of cooler weather ascends from the north. All seems calm as the dew covered yard and meadow glisten in the glow of the new day. Movement today is not labored or painful. It would be easy to give the weather the glory for having brought on a more comfortable clime in which this body reacts with less neuromuscular strain and stress. However, there were days in the height of the summer heat where movement and the pain therewith had their respective ease. In the spirit of a good expansive memory, there were days also in the height of winter when symptoms of this seemingly omnipresent PD were nearly absent. Having no knowledge that there is weather or other temporal cause and effect, this life traveler embraces a bounty of thankfulness for this time of relief and wraps a gift of gratitude in prayers today. These moments of freedom are reminders of the grace we experience from a loving God who bestows upon us what we have not earned and mercifully defends us in the presence of what we truly do deserve.

Thoughts randomly arise on subjects about which I have only occasionally given attention. During the wee hours of this morning, however, those random thoughts seemed to take an obsessive hold during the few moments after waking to nature’s call. From one seemingly important task to another, this mind would gallop obsessively as though its attention to the project upon which the obsession lay needed to be attended and remedied immediately. Frustration that the obvious rational was not taking hold in the quest to quell the irrational resulted in a bout of tossing and turning in those early morning moments. Slumber returned as a place of gratitude emerged intentionally focusing on the creator and sustainer of grace. As the alarm sounded to rouse me from a deep slumber to attend the morning rituals, I rose with the recollection of gratitude and thankfulness permeating the day’s beginning. A gratitude tune up has served to supercharge this aging vehicle for a loving journey through today’s pathway.

A breeze blows from the northeast even as the temperature rises in the wake of increased humidity. Perched comfortably in the lounge chair on the open deck one hears the cackling of the laying hens and the crow of the commanding rooster. Summer has fully bloomed on us and warmth is everywhere. Gazing through the walnut trees to the open pasture beyond brings joy knowing that nature’s course and natural rhythm has brought forth such beauty. The stage is set and the curtain is now opened on the display of characters about to live out today’s production. Some folks will observe the day as living critics deeming the performance engaging and exciting or dull and mundane. Others will recognize that they are the characters called to center stage for the production called life and will with gratitude will take the lead, fully engaging all the props necessary. May the script you live today be on target with the Master Playwright and His unbridled grace.

Gracie, the Golden, is curled in front of the sofa with her nose touching nearly each of her four feet. In the quiet of this morning a daily devotional reading inspires the thoughts of putting Christ like desires into action. With granddaughter sleeping later this morning there is ample time to ponder the gracious presence of God’s love in our lives. Life is far from the perfect scenario I would create, but thank God I am not the creator. In the wonder of this hour I recognize the grace and mercy that provide the way and means of navigating this life in the light of the perfect creator. Good news never gets old! No matter how great our challenge may be the power of grace is always more than sufficient to see us through. A heap of thankfulness packed in a barrel of gratitude mellows even the hardest of hearts. May your barrel overflow today!

In the pre-dawn moments as all was quiet, my mind awakened to a plethora of unfinished business. The process of cleaning gutters was mentally engaged as I wandered off to some barn roof repairs and then to a recollection of my father sitting in the old corn crib, long demolished, proudly showing the corn he had so expertly shucked. In those twilight moments I realized I was drifting in and out of sleep. People for whom I prayed came to mind and I realized the list was long. As I thanked God for the privilege of another day I became fully aware of the blessings surrounding me. The presence of a loving God; the assurance of my eternal presence with Him; the opportunity to be living in a loving faith-filled home; and the opportunity to live out these blessings in humble gratitude gives rise to a thankful heart. The challenges of this day are unknown, but the truth of God’s grace is sufficient to face them all. “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.

Patiently she sits over her clutch of eggs anticipating the moment of new life emerging from the treasured orbs she and her flock mates have contributed. Warmth from her body heat serves as the perfect incubator that ignites the embryonic genesis of new life that has begun within the shell. Contained therein are all the nutrients and raw materials that are necessary for the emergence of a fully formed young chicken. Left unattended, the chick would be denied its birthright and perish in the confines of the shell intended to be its safe haven. There is much we can learn from the developmental process of the peep. Unattended diet and exercise in we who are human will surely lead to an earlier diminution of strength and flexibility. Furthermore, thankfulness for what we have already received provides generative sustenance that enriches the growth environment. Gratitude is the incubator from which emerges a life rich with the nutrients of faith and filled with the warmth of grace!

A new day dawns with a chill embracing the freshly blooming plants and fruit trees on the farm. From the window the fields look warm and inviting. Just a step outside brings forth a different reality of winter’s futile last grasp on a shifting planet. Whether warm or chilled, nature moves on in her never ceasing cycle, producing her best through all circumstances. Memories of seasons past give reason for hope as we look to what lies ahead. Sometimes in the midst of temporary challenges, one pauses to recall that like the fluctuations in the seasons, the body too has its moments of change. A constant presence through highs and lows is the “Author and finisher of faith.” In challenges and in victories; in barriers and defeat; there in the midst is the soul provider reminding one that “I am not my own.” Gratitude fills this heart as it pours out words and prayers of thankfulness to the giver of grace and mercy!

The steady tapping of rain on the tin roof of the old farm house maintains a mesmerizing blanket of soft sound on this wet North Carolina morning. Light glistens softly over the eastern hill as day breaks the darkness of the evening. Just a few weeks ago, the liquid onslaught would have transformed in the much colder weather to bring us snow and ice. Now, the reverberating rhythm of rain brings liquid nourishment to lawn and budding leaves, thirsting for its arrival. Although this cheering son of spring would prefer bright sunlight, the rain brings thirst quenching relief to fields and forests ensuring an even greener season soon to burst bountifully on the terrain. A pause of thankfulness for God’s provision restores the heart filled with gratitude. A sunny preference does not always fill the need for sustaining life’s journey. Sometimes the cleansing flow of grace and mercy is needed to wash away the dust on a life taken for granted.

A pleasant and warm breeze waifs over the dew covered deck as morning makes her call. Green grass is appearing now in abundance spotted with patches of wild green onions that seem to create mounds on the landscape. Insects are appearing in abundance as evidence that the environment is safe for their propagation and growth. A resident who appears to be from the year before has suddenly positioned herself high on the exterior of the northern exposed kitchen window. The Black-and-Yellow Argiope spider has crafted her web ever so strategically to optimize the snare of insects drawn to the light of the window in the evening. As the sun grows brighter, she retreats beneath the vinyl siding until safe to return to the delicacies ensnared. Her web was removed several times during the last summer season only to be reconstructed within the following two days. Her appearance is stunning as she majestically rests herself high on her web and watches for unsuspecting visitors to be ensnared by her craft. Like the influx of warmth wrought insects, PD symptoms at times seem to appear out of nowhere in abundance. Unlike weather prognosticators, the appearance of symptoms seems not to be predictable. We have learned, however, to prepare our web to ensnare those pesky perturbing perpetrators of Parkinson’s symptoms. Our snare is exercise, a healthy diet, mental stimulation, and a heart filled with gratitude for abilities maintained. May your web of positive living supported by strands of gratitude and grace be your guard against invaders!

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