
Patiently she sits over her clutch of eggs anticipating the moment of new life emerging from the treasured orbs she and her flock mates have contributed. Warmth from her body heat serves as the perfect incubator that ignites the embryonic genesis of new life that has begun within the shell. Contained therein are all the nutrients and raw materials that are necessary for the emergence of a fully formed young chicken. Left unattended, the chick would be denied its birthright and perish in the confines of the shell intended to be its safe haven. There is much we can learn from the developmental process of the peep. Unattended diet and exercise in we who are human will surely lead to an earlier diminution of strength and flexibility. Furthermore, thankfulness for what we have already received provides generative sustenance that enriches the growth environment. Gratitude is the incubator from which emerges a life rich with the nutrients of faith and filled with the warmth of grace!

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