
The bright glow of the morning sun streaks through the kitchen window illuminating the old Hoosier cabinet that stands as evidence of many years past. Gleaming now in its well worn state it still stands as harbinger of spices, kitchen supplies and a few seldom used pans. Almost unnoticed at other times, this handsome relic seems to shout its long lasting utility on this sunny spring morning. Childhood memories of my mother sifting flour from the built in bin as she began the preparation of homemade biscuits begin to flow. Inside the roll-up cabinet face was once my baby bottle from which this then two year old would take his fill. Deep in memory is the warmth that permeated the kitchen as the wood cook stove was heating up for the meal preparation under way. Long gone are the stove, the flour, the baby bottle and the loving hands that showed mastery of them all. Still lingering are the warm memories flashed upon the mind’s screen by the bright glow of the sun this spring morning. Midst challenges to maintain and even regain physical flexibility from a winter’s repose, thankfulness for the blessings already amassed fuel hope and gratitude for what is now and what will come. “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

The brightness of the morning sun illuminates the eastern sky and reflects brightly off the water of the country pond. A chill fills the outdoor air bringing crisp attention to the now transitioning weather. Nature’s last blast is on its way as the arctic belch is predicted to release its final blow of snow on this awakening spring community. Feeling tired of the lingering winter brings no relief for this stout hearted country boy longing for spring. The agenda is set for the day that prepares the family for what is about to come, whether full force or dribs and drabs. As in most things, preparing for what may be needed is the best antidote for regret. Clothed in garments of gratitude, this thankful soul presses on with a trusting heart set firmly in the hands of his creator.

The sun streaks brightly across the frozen snow covered hills as morning ignites the day. Gone are the dark clouds that brought the bounty of snow and freezing rain. The bright light of this day enhanced by the glare from the ice covered snow gives testimony to nature’s ever changing scope. As temperatures rise to the forecasted warm high, the snow and ice will degrade into slush and mud and quench the thirst of the coming spring. Soon daffodils will be in bloom with tulips to follow. We give thanks for the changes that bring joy as we anticipate the bounty of new life exploding upon the landscape. Although sometimes restricted in the winter climes, the coming spring gives hope of greater freedom to roam and exercise differently. Our heart nearly bursts with gratitude as we anticipate the freedom to ride the river trail on the new bike. A store of thankfulness now undergirds our thoughts as the agenda for this day unfolds. Grace for another day has been granted!

Fog crowds the landscape as it obscures visibility in the distance. The chill, though well above freezing, cuts to the bone as it is propelled by the permeating dampness. Winter is only a few weeks old but is acting like a spoiled adolescent with its seemingly arbitrary mood swings. The wood stoked stove and the oil fired furnace help maintain a steady state inside the doors of the old farmhouse. Similarly, keeping the body stoked with exercise and good nutrition, supplemented with dopamine replenishing medications, helps this old body maintain a relatively steady state as well. No matter the level of visibility outside or the degree of disequilibrium inside, the offering of thanks for the degree of relief experienced gives this one joy to offer. May the sun of gratitude shine brightly in your heart melting away the frosty crystals of self doubt or fear!

The still warm afternoon sun of late September was streaming through the leaves and branches of the chestnut tree from which the hammock was hung. Navigating to the center of the swinging bed can be no small feat, even for the nimble. The view from the comfort of that perch was enriched by the majesty of the lovingly designed gazebo under construction. A poorly calculated movement, however, would result in one being summarily deposited on the clay packed ground beneath the swinging perch. Enjoying the bounty of the view from the center of the hammock requires a steady balance of movements, not swaying too far in either direction. Likewise, the greatest value to a healthy life is a steady balance, maintaining position centered firmly in the grasp of physical, mental, and spiritual understanding. Like with the hammock from which one may have been dumped when not centered, a prompt deposit on the hard clay beneath as a consequence of excess or self-indulgence gives evidence to the need for balance. Leaning or swaying too far in either direction will lead to an inevitable dump from the comforting position with its peaceful and pleasant view. May none be discouraged as we all strive to maintain that peaceful and balanced center.

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