We were is deep conversation as the person with whom I was interacting sought to understand the dynamics of organizational outcome that were intertwined with commonly shared values that were “played out” in everyday behaviors of employees. Suddenly, the alarm sounded and I emerged to the stark reality that the meaningful and deep conversation in which I was engaged was in fact a dream and that my mind must now engage another real agenda that would embrace the here and now. Pondering the day ahead, soon to be filled with an agenda yet to be fully constructed, I paused to remember those I know and love and to whisper prayers of provision for each as only God knows their deepest needs. In the quiet of the morning and the refreshed cool reprieve from the hot days of summer I give thanks in awe for the experiences shared in life and the opportunities for learning, loving, and living midst the light of God’s love. The remnants of that early morning dream have reignited the pleasure received from having worked within the complexities of organizations designing ways of helping groups understand the uniqueness of their endeavors. As I reveled in uncovering pathways the joy of that unveiling was elevated when the one(s) on the journey discovered where that pathway was leading him (them). Where there had once been a dimly lit existence there then emerged upon discovery a glowing array of potential pathways on the journey to a cherished destination. Truly, the day has been filled with the light of gratitude that has colored each and every step. Even those steps tinted with PD have been exercised in the light of thankfulness and expressed in the glow of gratitude!

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