The western sky was ablaze with the setting sun peeking through the covey of storm clouds passing by. We stood in front of the restaurant as we waited for the rest of the family who were near to arrive and took in the beauty of that early evening display of nature’s artistry. Seventy years of life was the cause of celebration as the family gathered inside a private room in that Southside Virginia restaurant that evening. Thrilled that pain had chosen not to visit in several days, this possessor of Parkinson’s took in the sight of each family member attending this celebration with eyes filled with gratitude for their presence. Babies glowing in the light of adult attention and adults sharing memories from days gone by that can only touch the surface of a lifetime of recollection filled the room with the warmth of familiarity and appreciation. I don’t remember that Sunday in 1946 when I made the way from my mother’s womb to her arms, but I am so thankful for the moments of experiencing life that have touched my heart and memory, sparking the flame of thankfulness for the union of gametes that joined to offer up the fortunate soul I experience as me. The kaleidoscope of human emotions is set free in the experiences that have blessed the past seventy years and I am forever grateful that faith, hope, and love have lighted the pathway, even during the times when my eyes were closed. That pathway of possibilities reveals itself in the glow of gratitude ignited by those three remaining life support systems; faith, hope, love! By the grace of God, there seems to be even more of the pathway to discover!

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