
A crisp breeze chilled the morning air as it welcomed the day. The smell of ocean spray mingles with exhaust fumes from the passing vehicles serving as a reminder that crowds throng to find paradise and thus render it far less. Massive high rise condominiums possess the shoreline creating a concrete barrier to the natural beauty of the ocean’s presence. Access for the masses awaits a short drive away as one pays to park in an artificially designed shore front that mimics the tourist advertisement for a touch of heaven. In the symphony of the heart, connection to and time with family and friends renders fine tuned instruments ready for the conductor’s nod. The joy of fellowship and time together provides the chords of harmony that have transcended mere notes and filled this heart with the true touch of paradise. Soon the time in the southern sun will give way to the stoke of the old stove, but the memory of family fun will linger as a reminder of God’s goodness as the flame of thankfulness ignites this heart each day.

Sirens raging, horns blowing and the sound of cars and trucks racing by welcome the second morning in South Florida. Just across the street lies the touted tranquil shore that has yet to be visited. The weather is stellar this day with a refreshing tropical breeze blowing from the eastern realm. Calm now from the onslaught of the earlier frenzy of emergency vehicles and the attendant annoyance occupies now a place of thankfulness. Memories of time spent together with family last evening and the promise of more to come fill the cauldron of gratitude this day. Anticipation of time with my son and his family today adds more flavor to the feast of gratitude being consumed. Somewhat limiting physical symptoms seem to fall from their place of significance as appreciation for time with loved ones supersedes. Gratitude is the spice that gives life’s bountiful stew its flavor!

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