
Walking precariously over the ancient cobblestone streets we stopped to gaze at the concrete mold made from the hollow of a previous human form caught in the onslaught of the volcanic calamity. As we gazed at the morphed form and the surrounding remains of ancient buildings, we were taken by our thoughts to a time long ago when Pompeii was a thriving tourist destination for well to do Romans. The inhabitants had no idea that on that day in 79 AD, their beloved destination would become their tomb beneath the tons of hot ash that were deposited from the eruption of Vesuvius. The natives and their hopes, dreams, and plans were long gone and there were we, gazing in the bright sun of Southern Italy at what remained of the uncovered paradise. Filled with wonder and awe at the sheer opportunity to gaze upon the spectacle of the remains and vicariously peek into the privileged life of a culture past, we gave thanks for that day and that time we were spending there. As we reflect today, we are again consumed with thoughts of gratitude for memories of past and the hope of opportunities both today and to come. Disease symptoms may at times limit and even inhibit, but at this moment we are thankful for this breath called life. Gratitude is the sweetener in the cup of life that satiates the thirsty heart!

A crisp breeze chilled the morning air as it welcomed the day. The smell of ocean spray mingles with exhaust fumes from the passing vehicles serving as a reminder that crowds throng to find paradise and thus render it far less. Massive high rise condominiums possess the shoreline creating a concrete barrier to the natural beauty of the ocean’s presence. Access for the masses awaits a short drive away as one pays to park in an artificially designed shore front that mimics the tourist advertisement for a touch of heaven. In the symphony of the heart, connection to and time with family and friends renders fine tuned instruments ready for the conductor’s nod. The joy of fellowship and time together provides the chords of harmony that have transcended mere notes and filled this heart with the true touch of paradise. Soon the time in the southern sun will give way to the stoke of the old stove, but the memory of family fun will linger as a reminder of God’s goodness as the flame of thankfulness ignites this heart each day.

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