Bright in the western sky the full moon illuminates the landscape with its white glow. Simultaneously, the sun gives of a faint orange hue as it begins its emergence over the hills to the east. All seems still and quiet on this frost laden day at the farm. A lone mockingbird sounds her alarm as freshly split wood is gathered for the old cast iron stove giving warmth to the sitting room. Miss Gracie, the golden lies regally facing this grateful soul as I attempt to capture these moments in words. As the heat permeates the room and light begins its ascent this day is filled with awe at the beauty of the Master’s hand. His creation inspires and ignites the waking heart to a place of thankfulness for the opportunity that waits to be uncovered. Here, in the still and engulfing presence of a grace filled God another day of discovering the depth of that grace and love unfolds. Gratitude abounds as we give thanks for the feast that is life in the presence of the Master Crafter.

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