
As variations in intensity of the rain pelting the tin roof of the old farm house gives evidence of nature’s force, thunder roars in the distance. Prognosticators warned of today’s varied intensities of much needed rain for the region. The newly planted garden is saved from well water and is instead soaked in nature’s bounty from above. Gracie, the pampered Golden nestles her head against the sofa as we wait out the passing deluge. We embrace the sunshine and warmth there from and sometimes lament its loss when the storms arise. However, the storms are as vital a part of nature’s bounty as is the sunshine. Both have their place in the ongoing outpouring of the blessing we call life. As Parkinson’s disease has taken up residence in this current inhabitant of the farmhouse, we have had to exercise the notion of acceptance that varied symptoms are a evidence of the invader’s continued presence. Like shelter from the storm keeps one drier and cooler or warmer, addressing the constellation of untoward symptoms with preparation is note worthy. Sometimes the storms arise quickly and seemingly without warning. At other times one can sense the ominous arrival of the storm as changes in resistance, flexibility, and involuntary movements and even gait emerge. Making hay while the sun shines is a well known farming fact and productivity metaphor and one to be wisely executed in the life of the one desiring to thrive. Response to the blessing of opportunity is best expressed with the embrace of gratitude and action in the direction the opportunity affords. Gratitude, like sunshine, helps one through the bouts of drizzle and deluge that might otherwise wash away rather than nurture. May your garden thrive in the soil of gratitude that is enriched by the down pouring of thankfulness midst the presence of opportunity!

Even in the bright sun of the mid-morning, the air embraces a chill that defies the traditional definition that is spring. Someone failed to notify the passing arctic breeze that the calendar has now passed the date denoting the arrival of the spring season. Oddly, before the date turned on the calendar we now keep other weather patterns were confounding winter with the heat of summer. As if rigidity, tremor, stiffness and a few other annoyances were not enough for this unwilling Parkinson’s host, now the tides of uneven temperatures seem to engulf the otherwise routine passing of the seasons. As we listened carefully yesterday to the joy filled life celebration of one who at 92 had passed on from what we know as this life, we were struck by the frequent references to humor, using one’s gifts, and giving unceremoniously to others. That message in celebration extended into today as I pause in reflections of gratitude and joy at the abundance that surrounds us, even in the midst of change. Almost in an instant the propensity toward a mental cloud opens rather to the breaking of a new dawn filled with the light and warmth that is found at the rise of thankfulness. Again, the message of gratitude and thankfulness rains down warmth that enriches the soil that provides sustenance and reinforces the understanding that it is what dwells within, rather than what resides without that renders depth and meaning to this life.

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