
Relieved of her need to search the grounds for just the right spot, Gracie the Golden now curls tightly on the edge of her bed. Nothing seems to distract her from her determination to sleep away this cold but sunny morning. She lives in her own reality and will emerge in a few hours for some petting and coveted “lap time” before consuming her morning ration of special nutrition. Having cleared away the dishes, stoked the old stove with wood, and checked for recent emails, this reluctant “retiree” who otherwise detests perceived limiting labels settles in for some reading and writing time. Gracie and I both seem to enjoy each of our own versions of reality. I do not presume to interpret hers as she seems to thrive well in her own without regard for the nature of mine. There seems so much I wish to accomplish and I chip away at it daily, getting closer to the fulfillment of some ambitions and barely scratching the surface of others. Expressions of gratitude help to ward off the propensity to look at what I have yet to do as failure and keeps in perspective that what has already been done is success! Success comes in various ways and at numerous times and often eludes recognition. Gathering the logs for insertion into the fired up wood stove counts as a gathering success. Inserting the logs as we stoke the flames is a warming success. Sitting comfortably in the warmth of the now heated room as I write and read is the result of a successful journey thus far. The removal of ashes in a few days will mark a successful journey over the past couple of weeks of igniting and maintaining warmth in this place called home. The multiples of successes that have been obtained along this journey are heaped now into the giant cup of gratitude from which we sip a fresh brew of motivation and inspiration for the next opportunity to discover success. Success is a part of the journey that seems to grow in the showers of gratitude that recognize it along the way.

A chore filled day had preceded a sumptuous homemade meal for dinner. The table chatter rendered from our granddaughter bits and pieces of experiences from camp that day. Her riding escapades had taken second place to the water events with the other campers. The leisurely after dinner activities included watering the garden and harvesting the cucumbers for pickling. Reveling in her new found ability to ride her bicycle our girl mounted the new cycle and took off for a journey around the house. As I stood near the deck watching I could hardly believe my eyes as she rode down the hill straight toward a giant black walnut tree. Shouting for her to apply the brakes I watched in horror as she ran squarely into the tree. We ran to her aid as we helped her untangle herself from the forced tree hug she had engaged. With just a few scratches and a lot of her tears behind us we settled down with thankful hearts for a restful evening ahead. The experience dulled not a moment of her enthusiasm to experience the fullness of her summer adventures. After a third day of “horse camp” experiences she returned home to mount the bicycle again. This time, brakes were in full function and her joy of peddling around and around the house was fulfilled. Success is measured not by avoidance but rather by intentional engagement!

The New Year dawns on this new day and with it is brought fresh opportunities for discovery, achievement, failure and success (among other things). Each year is counted one day at a time. None of us on this side of eternity has the option of skipping a single day, hour, minute, or second that ticks to total a day. Each second affords an opportunity to choose ability or disability. Neither is absolute. There are degrees within their spectrum. As one focuses on developing known and discovering new, the world of ability becomes a kaleidoscope from which to color one’s world. Prayers today are for your pallet to be filled with hues of victory and success as you stroke the canvass of your life this year. May every second be cherished with gratitude!

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