
The summer solstice reminded us that there is still much light left in each day. Within that light lies opportunities to discover what’s possible. As the ceiling in the old house next door was torn away, the original logs placed there in the 1840’s were revealed in their grandeur. The discovery suddenly led to the possibility of a rustic living room embracing the home’s origin. A few slight layers of accumulated dust were swept away and vacuumed up in the old shop vac and a fresh coat of “white wash” was applied. As we gazed up through the ceiling we could see some light coming through from the gracious old bedroom above. New discoveries brought on new challenges which rendered new opportunities to discover new possibilities for making this newly revised structure a home for family to embrace for years to come. Thankful that there are well bodied family members who enjoy the challenge of changing structures waiting to be reconditioned, this reluctant but slowly accepting host to PD indulged slowly in the process of movements that were both challenging and rewarding. There are weeks of work that are not structural, but will be demanding on those willing to endure the journey for those with the vision of a renewed and welcoming family abode. Each day is filled with chores that challenge stamina and determination and reward the heart filled with gratitude for the richness unfolding.

A cool flow of air creates a comfortable reprieve from the hot and humid weather outside. Sunlight peeks through the cast of clouds holding in the heat and moisture from yesterday. Days filled with activities have given ample opportunities for exercising muscles and building stamina. Just trying to keep up with an eleven year old granddaughter stretches endurance sometimes to the limit for this aging boomer. The newest adventure will be bike riding on the trails by the river. Just a bit more practice for her controlling the bicycle downhill should have us ready for the challenges along the trail. A heart filled with gratitude generates energy for the adventures ahead. We will start slowly and build as we discover our capabilities to tackle the river trail challenges. Thankfulness lines the pathway upon which new adventures are exercised. We will discover the opportunities and the victories on this shared journey.

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