
All is quiet on the farm this morning. Even the rooster has taken a break. A chill has descended over the landscape as random leaves meander slowly to the ground. A reflective tone has emerged today as I ponder the blessings that have been wrought over the years. Pain and sorrow have been occasional visitors, but they have not overstayed their welcome as thankfulness and gratitude have swiftly filled their void. It seems like yesterday that I was wondering what life opportunities might unfold as I left this farm for college and adventures beyond. A whole new world began to emerge as I embraced possibilities along the path. The richness of people and places has been the source of great joy in the treasure chest of memories. As my family has grown, so has my bounty of gratitude been multiplied beyond simple measure. Challenges have more often than not been addressed as opportunities to discover and uncover the vastness of God’s creation. Even the challenges of disease are presenting discoveries new to me and bringing me closer to the beauty of a full spectrum of emotions that are always collected gently in my jar of thankfulness. The richness of being a human filled with the grace of God sustains this pilgrim’s journey. Psalm 23 has come to life and I am thankful to be tasting it!

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