resting tremor

Sun brightens the day as the wind brings much welcomed warmth to the farmland. The goats and chickens revel in the sprigs of fresh grass emerging from the still chilled but moist earth. Grubs, earthworms and tiny blossoms serve as the foundation for orange rich yokes in the freshly laid eggs. Trees and shrubs are sending forth their springtime buds that will soon blossom into full flowers bearing witness to spring’s arrival. We wholeheartedly embrace the new found warmth knowing that yet more days of deep chill are yet to manifest themselves. Even so, we greet this warm reprieve with a mind filled with gratitude. Thankful for relief from the icy cold of winter, we enjoy that which is today’s gift. We are reminded in the throes of untoward symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that relief of rigidity and resting tremor comes and goes like the change in seasons. A grateful heart greets the relief of symptoms as surely as the budding daffodils greet the warmth of spring.

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