
Cloudy, overcast and chilly is the morning that greets this Spring day. It seems the ancient ones were right when predicting musculoskeletal dysfunction in the presence of cloudy and wet weather. I once thought it humorous when my grandmother would predict the onslaught of rain, simply by the lack of flexibility or pain in her joints. Interestingly, my humor has waned as the years have brought forth some similar experiences for this host to PD, among other visitors! Old is feeling so new and youth is feeling so ancient. Nevertheless, the sheer joy of living in these moments of observing nature, fellowship with friends and family, and the promise of a new dawn, fills this life experiencing heart and mind with gratitude that never ceases to lift our thoughts to brighter things. Holidays, birthdays, and other special days arrive whether sunny or not, and remind us that our time on earth together is not contingent upon the weather! A thankful heart flowing with gracious sharing with a sister or brother helps remind us that our purpose is to love one another!

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