
The church was bustling with family and friends greeting one another in anticipation of the wedding for which everyone had arrived midst the passing shower. Two delightful days had been spent with Ray’s brother and his wife in central Connecticut and we now were focusing on the union of their cousin’s daughter with a “fine British chap” she had met in college. Beside me was Aunt Sarah, the reigning matriarch of the family clan. We had visited with her Just the day before in the retirement community in which she lives unassisted and independent at a stunning ninety three years of age. Spry and quick witted, this avid reader and former nurse exudes warmth and caring as she surveys the plethora of relatives gathered for this nuptial celebration. Soon the ceremony concluded its intended purpose and the newlyweds were off for photographs and preparation for the giant reception about to unfold at the lake in northwestern Connecticut. Hugs, kisses, and giant handshakes were exchanged with multiples of near and distant relatives as the musical dinner celebration began. The stiffness of PD tried to take over, but dogged determination fought it at every turn. As I looked at the then bustling dance floor, there was Aunt Sarah, hand raised and reaching for the sky as she moved to the rhythm of the beat. As I witnessed her celebration of life and love I gave thanks for sharing these moments with those lovely people and for the joy that life has to offer. Looking past age and physical challenges, one may find the substance upon which a rich life is lived – LOVE. The newlyweds were beginning their celebration of love in a grand form and we were grateful that they shared it so beautifully with so many!

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