motor function

The light of a new day peeks through the warm and humid haze that hovers along the hillside. Not stricken with the urgency of a “to do” list just yet this aging bearer of delayed motor function observes the calm beauty of the early morning. Pups and mommy lie peacefully together in their pen with little more than an occasional moan of satisfaction arising from the litter. Even the chickens that often roam the yard in search of delectable crawly creatures have not found their way from their barnyard abode. Reflection of the past two weeks sends me to a place of thankfulness for tasks accomplished that have moved loved ones along a pathway to new adventures. Sebastian, the cat has made himself know by scratching and meowing at the door for some supplemental morsels that supersede the mice and vole engorgement he demonstrates with his swagging belly. Soon the chores of another day will demand attention, but for now, the wonder of this gift called life is savored in this mindful cauldron that is stirred by the beauty of the moment in touch with the creator and sustainer.  Gratitude is the salve that soothes even the prickly pokes that challenge what we wish to always be a smooth and non-painful journey. Blessings come in assorted containers, some easier to open than others, but always filled to the brim!

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