
Temperature swings of more than forty degrees and evening temperatures hovering below 0 degrees Fahrenheit have been the norm here at the farm for the last few days. Extra wood to stoke the fire and extra hay for bedding down the animals has served its purpose well to stave off the negative effects of nature’s mood variance. Apparently taking its cue from the weather, my “mood” has been leaping from one extreme to another as well. Frequent swings from anxiety to melancholy to insomnia to excessive drowsiness and back again have become an unwelcomed visitor. Reprieves have been gifted by visits from my corny sense of humor, waiting in the wings for the next opportunistic pun. Experience tells me that these swings are only short term mood making visitors, so I dare not take them seriously. Instead of fighting them off, as has been my custom in earlier years, I welcome them in for a frank discussion, inviting them to sound off with what seems to be the burr beneath their saddle. Sometimes there are answers that can be rationally addressed, and yet other times when reason seems not to be its remedy. I have learned that a healthy expression of thankfulness wedged between two slices of gratitude serves up a bountiful meal that satiates the pangs of despair. May we all learn to feast upon the thoughtfully prepared rendering of thanksgiving as we nourish our souls for life’s journey!

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