
We walked slowly down the hill between the waiting guests there to witness the wedding of my son and his soon to be bride. After stepping into the lovingly crafted gazebo we turned to view the stunning young woman about to become his wife as she ascended with the grasp of her father’s arm the path between the standing guests. It seemed just yesterday that this grown man, my child, burst forth from his mother’s womb, to be grasped in the arms of love and welcoming presence. From squirming fetus, to bubbly baby, to fun loving and prankster child, the towering man beside me glowed in adoration for his soon to be mate. As the two were united as one family in the presence of God and those witnessing, this Dad silently gave thanks for the journey that had brought us to that moment. Each moment along the way gave over to the next as memories were etched in our minds and hearts over the years. Gratitude filled that moment as it had so many times before. It has become my friend and I cherish its presence in every moment along the way.

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