
The heat and humidity engulf the surroundings and layer the skin with a film of moisture just for being present. Gracie the Golden is out seeking a place of relief within the wide open field near the garden. It is becoming obvious that her tryst with Charlie, last month in Goldsboro, is going to render another litter of baby Goldens not unlike a year ago. As I reminisce on the porch swing I watch as she gallops through the grass around the orchard and wonder how many there will be this time. She has demonstrated her ability as a dutiful and dedicated mother who was only too glad when the last of the pups had found their own loving and forever home. Witnessing her frolics and relief, a gentle call of her name brings her gleefully panting back to the refuge of the air conditioned indoor space. The Parkinson’s invader has rendered this pooch lover physically slow and stiff at times, but always welcoming of the loving hug and lick seemingly omnipresent and waiting to be redeemed at a beckoned call. Just another three weeks and new lives will emerge from this loving gift that is Golden and begin their journey in the family to which much joy will be given and shared. In the meantime, we cherish each moment that is now with a grateful heart and thankful arms that embrace this magnificent creature we call Gracie

Uninspired by the bright sunny day and the lure of the open fields in which she normally frolics, Gracie the Golden sleeps soundly in front of the sofa. Even her usual eagerness to be at the door waiting for my encouragement was absent this morning as I had to wake her for her “get ‘er done” run. The usual eager return to consume her morning bowl of food was abandoned in favor of a nap as though her stroll to the front yard was exhaustingly trying. Her desire to be close has not waned, but her energy seems to have temporarily diminished. Her metabolic response to being pregnant with little Golden embryos is apparent. There are just thirty three more days before we may expect the birth of a slew of precious puppies to welcome the arrival of summer. If they take after their mother or father they will be pretty pups indeed. Meanwhile, we gratefully nurture one who is far more than a pet; one who is a member of the family!

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