
The outline of the giant full moon shone grandly in the eastern sky. On the western front, the sun was setting behind the hills. Nature was showing herself to possess both day and night; light and darkness. One usually thinks in terms of one or the other but rarely does one ponder the presence of both. Rarely do we entertain the thought of wellness and disease (function and dysfunction) existing in the same plane, yet it is obvious that they do. There is the virtual constancy of death and new life on the biochemical and microbiological level. As function is perched on the precipice of dysfunction, the body is working to repair and or replace the faltering member. It only makes sense to fortify wellness so that the dis-ease that might amass may be dealt a swift blow and the forward moving fluid of the healing dance of life might be sustained. A grateful heart and mind help bring light in which the work of repair and replacement may be undertaken. The presence of desire does not preclude the presence of thankfulness – they may both exist in the same moment. May your world be enriched by the nutrients of gratitude as your desire for an abundance of thankfulness illuminates your day!

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