
Her smile always looked mischievous as she beamed with excitement. She glowed as she talked about her son and his achievements. You could almost see her grateful heart as she burst forth with tales of nieces and nephews that described both challenges and victories for them. We had gotten in the habit of having lunch each Thursday – an opportunity to try a new and different place and the sheer joy of sharing time together. Although just a few years younger than I she was my step niece. Her father had married my sister many years ago. Although both her Dad and my sister were long deceased, she and I still stayed in touch. She was the one steady long term friend here in this country place now called home. The voice message riddled with tears from her son caused my heart to skip. She had been in the critical care unit of the local medical center for the last few days but as of the morning before when I saw her was showing marked improvement. I dialed the number to hear the news that she had passed away the evening before. Her heart had stopped. He was in obvious emotional pain as he shared the events of the evening of his mother’s demise. Still caught in the grip of shock over her death I seek a place of gratitude for her life and what she has meant to so many in this community. Thankfulness for her place of peace and comfort now in the arms of her loving Savior gives solace to a heart torn by the loss of her presence here. The well from which the tears emerge has not yet been emptied, but the freshly planted crop of gratitude is having its thirst quenched. Thank you, God, for the times we shared!

Chores accomplished and time with a dear friend well spent, a journey to the airport commenced. Impeded only by the occasional driver who seemed undecided whether to chat on the phone or drive the vehicle, arrival at the terminal was as planned. Noting the flight arrival board showing the flight as being on time, I settled down comfortably for the few remaining minutes in the waiting area. I saw her first on the monitor. As I stepped around the corner peering down the gate area exit hall, my heart was jumping with joy as my arriving granddaughter sprinted toward me with arms wide open. Once again I peered into the beautiful face of this loving miracle and gave thanks for her safe arrival. With luggage secured, parking paid and airport behind us we were on our way to the waiting farm and ten days of sharing our hearts and home with one of God’s greatest gifts. Now as the dawn breaks on this new day, sun shines brightly over the eastern horizon as a reminder of the Creator’s presence. A day of adventures and discoveries is about to unfold and my cup of thankfulness is overflowing!

A voice sounding vaguely familiar said he was calling for a person with my name and that he was a friend from my college years. I felt it too late in the evening to return the call by the time the message was retrieved. The next morning I dialed the number recorded on my phone. The man who answered was indeed a friend from my college years who was also my roommate for three of those years. As we talked, he told me he and his brother were on the way to the city near the farm. I lost no time determining where they were going to be and what time they were expected to arrive. Seeing this man after more than forty years was such a delight. We had so much to share and each took turns filling in only a few of the lost years since we last saw one another. Vowing to meet again soon with another recently rekindled college buddy, we said our farewell for that day. Filled with thankfulness for the reconnection with a dear old friend, I marveled at the blessing that life has been. I was reminded that sometimes the old becomes the new!

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