A voice sounding vaguely familiar said he was calling for a person with my name and that he was a friend from my college years. I felt it too late in the evening to return the call by the time the message was retrieved. The next morning I dialed the number recorded on my phone. The man who answered was indeed a friend from my college years who was also my roommate for three of those years. As we talked, he told me he and his brother were on the way to the city near the farm. I lost no time determining where they were going to be and what time they were expected to arrive. Seeing this man after more than forty years was such a delight. We had so much to share and each took turns filling in only a few of the lost years since we last saw one another. Vowing to meet again soon with another recently rekindled college buddy, we said our farewell for that day. Filled with thankfulness for the reconnection with a dear old friend, I marveled at the blessing that life has been. I was reminded that sometimes the old becomes the new!

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