
A new day dawns with a chill embracing the freshly blooming plants and fruit trees on the farm. From the window the fields look warm and inviting. Just a step outside brings forth a different reality of winter’s futile last grasp on a shifting planet. Whether warm or chilled, nature moves on in her never ceasing cycle, producing her best through all circumstances. Memories of seasons past give reason for hope as we look to what lies ahead. Sometimes in the midst of temporary challenges, one pauses to recall that like the fluctuations in the seasons, the body too has its moments of change. A constant presence through highs and lows is the “Author and finisher of faith.” In challenges and in victories; in barriers and defeat; there in the midst is the soul provider reminding one that “I am not my own.” Gratitude fills this heart as it pours out words and prayers of thankfulness to the giver of grace and mercy!

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