
Perched on the railing of the back deck the flower boxes are overflowing with bright colored blooms. A “cold front” moved through last evening and left behind much cooler and dryer air, The blooms this morning seem almost crisp as they glisten in the light of the early dawn. Absent this year is the abundance of butterflies that seemed to consume the flower nectar in years gone by. Whether a result of the extreme cold during the winter past or just a quirk of nature’s cycle, the absence of butterflies is noticeable. One wonders if the poverty of Lepidoptera signals a forecast of more ominous weather this coming fall and winter. Time will tell and nature will deliver what has been appointed her. Today I give thanks for the beauty that blooms. That beauty is not diminished by the fear of what may or may not come in the future. Likewise, the potential and sometimes probable loss of flexibility and function in the future does not diminish the gratitude for the freedom of movement enjoyed today. Living in the midst of gratitude for today is the best immunization against the gloom that comes with fear of the future. May you enjoy the full dose of gratitude today!

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