
Clouds hover as the heat from the sun is reserved for space above the mist. The landscape still showers us with its beauty and grace as the verdant green of grass and trees bursts forth in the mist of the day. All is quiet this day as even birds and road traffic seem to have abandoned their posts. Stiffness and pain seem to have made their way in with the rising of the sun. Perhaps overindulgence in activities of late or perhaps it’s just the cycle this boomer body is to expect on the disease process road this one travels. At the edge of dawn I was taken by a moment of complaining to myself followed by a reminder that I have neither the right nor reason to be complaining about anything. Loved by an everlasting God of grace, provided with a sheltered place to sleep, and sustained with food and opportunities to minimize the effects of disease, I was suddenly turned from groans to gratitude. I am thankful that the choice to praise outweighs the propensity to pity.

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