The sweltering morning heat and humidity engulfs even as we open the door to accomplish some outside chores. Lush and green, the grass seems to sparkle as the dew lingers in the mid-morning shade. Gracie, seemingly delighted to have a puppy reprieve, frolics freely through the field searching out morsels and just the right spot to accomplish nature’s call. As I trek toward the nearly overgrown garden, the trusty canine companion makes her way to join with me as she “oversees” my harvest gathering. Two ripe tomatoes appear to have sustained a rabbit over night, so they are left in place in hopes that already tasted renderings will be sufficient to keep the harvest sharer from the greater goods. Testing the boundaries of this Parkinson’s rigidity, we squat and bend to search out maturing cucumbers for the delightful jars of sweet pickles that enhance sandwiches throughout the winter. Grateful for the harvest, we gather a bag full that has ripened since yesterday. Readjusting to a steady standing position, this thankful taker of the summer’s bounty walks with his ever caring canine companion slowly back to the cool reprieve of the air conditioned old farmhouse. As we put away the small harvest gathering of the morning we express grateful prayers for the opportunities to experience this day’s possibilities.

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