A steady drizzle descends over the landscape this unusually warm December morning as we strive to assimilate again to our home environment. We arrived last evening after a daunting drive from South Florida to the outrageously eager welcome from Gracie the Golden and the embrace of our own bed. The task of preparing a property for market after years of passive neglect had taken virtually all our strength and energy over the past few weeks and this unwilling host to Parkinson’s disease was exhaustingly ready for the return home. Daily sorting through a massive “to do” list and having to take frequent physical relief breaks while lamenting the still “not done” list began to heap the weight of frustration upon the physical resistance. The handy skills of a friend hired to complete some of the work offered pleasant hope that all would be accomplished in the allotted time. Willing hearted sons with limited time available from work and family served to advance the accomplishments as well. A granddaughter’s desire to be of help proved to be a generous blessing and a daughter’s welcoming accommodation added to the list of things for which we are thankful. Although we did not fully accomplish the desired outcome while there, we are grateful that we have scheduled the work for completion. Gratitude has been the fuel that ignited the understanding that physical limitations fail to define the journey, but rather serve as guideposts for the path we choose.

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