The sun is gleaming off the remaining snow that covers the pasture and yard visible from the old farmhouse. The bright sunlight infuses my consciousness in a way that lifts my mood from the foggy overcast that has been the shadow-maker over extended periods during this pandemic bound winter. Hungry for human interaction, this posser of Parkinson’s and reluctant player in this pandemic, has had to come to grips with the reality that interaction with other humans cannot be as it was. In fact, it may never return to exactly as it was, but for the opportunities to engage with others in alternative ways such as video chat and more emails and “messaging” than ever imagined, I give thanks! As each hour passes, the challenge of living in the “new normal” becomes less challenging but far from a place of comfort experienced over many years in the “old normal”. The interpretation of life as lived and experienced now is in reality different from what it was in the past. Accepting that truth has been part of the challenge. When we become “accustomed” to living and interpreting life a certain way and are challenged when it no longer can be interpreted or experienced that way, we are faced with the challenges of loss and grief and are further thrust into a seemingly deeper cavern than we have experienced before and realize how much we miss the solid ground of reality we once walked upon. All of us experience the elements of grief during many stages of our lives. Some elements are easier to manage our way through than others, but all require our attention and active participation. As we tackle the challenges and begin to see them as “possible” to live through, we are well served to reflect and express our gratitude for having learned how to walk more steadily in the new terrain. Gratitude then becomes the nutrient from which we receive the energy to discover that life is most rewarding when we learn again that we have the wherewithal to “thrive” which makes us far richer than living in the state of survival. Acknowledging and expressing our gratitude for the challenges through which we have survived gives us clearer vision through which we may recognize how we are thriving!

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