The pre-dawn landscape reflects the cloud subdued light of the moon. The harsh winds from yesterday’s weather front passage have subsided and stillness engulfs the terrain for the moment. Warm weather is predicted for the day with another grasp of winter’s cold hand to follow. A schedule of meetings, medical follow-up’s and routine chores align themselves on the “to-do” list of this still reluctant host to Parkinson’s. Stiffness, sleep disturbance, and the occasional tremor have become companions along the journey. Often pangs of guilt come to visit as I assert my anger at the challenge of buttoning a shirt sleeve or coordinating a fork and knife. As I watch the light drive away the darkness as the sun peeks over the eastern horizon I think of the opportunity that comes with a new day. The opportunity to share a smile; to offer a word of encouragement; to engage in exercise that combats the effects of diseased neurons, and the opportunity to whisper words and thoughts of thankfulness for the blessings already received and for those which are yet to come. Gratitude lifts my mind, heart and soul from a place of cloudy gloom to one that embraces the joy of living in the presence of the One who enlightens our way. Giving thanks helps clear the pathway to greater peace that surpasses our understanding!
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