
The stillness of the pre-dawn hour is interrupted as the old furnace fires up to take away the morning chill. As the warmth permeates all within the house, we are oblivious to the cold and near frost that blankets the yard and fields surrounding us. Soon the old country road will become a conduit for commuters making their way to the city and jobs that sustain their country households. For now, the silence and calm embrace us as we revel in these moments of thankfulness for blessings that abound: thankfulness for home, for family, for pets and projects, and for the freedom of movement that is absent pain in these early hours of the day. There is great freedom in the wonder of God’s eternal grace that promises moments that are forever with Him. These thoughts, God’s promise, and the “peace that passes all understanding” fuel the engine of motivation that will take us on the journey that is today.

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