
Winter rain falls gently on the metal roof of the old farmhouse as the light ascends from the eastern sky. The peaceful lull of the falling drops tugs rhythmically as the agenda begins its journey into the space called today. Equipped with plan, mind set, and motivation to discover along the way, the day is ready to be unfurled. The day, however, waits for no one as it ticks ever onward. On the go or resisting the flow, the hours stream forward to the ocean of blessings that await. May your day meet the tide of blessings with a shore of thankfulness and love!

Our granddaughter came bursting from the arrivals gate with arms extended to be met by welcoming hugs. The glee on her face gave light to memories etched in the fabric of a lifetime. The long drive to the farmhouse was filled with accounts of Christmas day and the weeks and months preceding. Joyfully expressing her anticipation at seeing her other grandfather, she impatiently urged the drivers ahead to speed up or move to the side. Finally parked at our country destination, she sprang from the jeep like a “Jack in the box” to begin the long awaited greeting of gramps and animals, not to mention the plethora of presents. In a few short days she will be returning to her daily routine of school, homework, and dance rehearsal, but for now, she can enjoy the indulgence of grandparents and animals galore that enjoy sharing in her presence. Like so many days before, PD symptoms take a back seat to the joys of life this moment and the abilities yet remaining. The air is warmed this day by the flow of gratitude that wells from a heart touched by grace.

Wrapping paper strewn in the frantic presence of excitement over the receiving moment has been gathered and awaits the trash man. All the buttons and switches have been pushed or flicked as the gadgets stood their test. New clothes await their dressing moment as size anticipates its best. The afterglow of the celebration day still lingers as we look forward to the New Year. As time for reflection approaches we cease upon the moment at hand and give thanks for the warmth and security of this time and place and the presence of Love Himself, whom we celebrate. Otherwise annoying symptoms that remind one of life’s frailties are meshed in the moments of rejoicing in relationship, friendship, and kinship. May the greatest of all gifts, the grace of God, be unwrapped each gifted day.

Soon we will celebrate the arrival of Love incarnate (God in human form). The bridge over the impossible chasm between the Divine and us pretenders could only be made by God himself. The date of His arrival is unimportant. It is He who is paramount for with that arrival came the eternal blessing that locks us in the arms of grace forever. His arrival was a miracle; a gift of love that will not let go of us. Some years ago there was the arrival of another male child. This one was no Savior, but every bit a miracle. I am pleased to call him my son and am grateful for his miraculous arrival that early evening in December. Today we celebrate his arrival with gratitude that has no limit. The celebration of the One who was delivered for us all more than two thousand years ago shows us how to love as we are loved. May we lift our hearts in praise for the ultimate example of love and the daily opportunity to put that love into practice with our family, friends, and even our enemies.

The sun shines brightly upon the frozen ground as another day unfolds. Birds flutter from place to place finding sustainable morsels, oblivious to the deep chill. Inside, pets and people alike savor the fragrance of the roasting turkey as they gather together around the warmth of the old cast iron stove. Today is a day of thanksgiving as we pause to remember the gifts of life and love that has been afforded us. The greatest of these gifts is God’s love presented to us in the forms of grace and mercy. The Maker’s mercy saves us from the consequences of our self-centeredness that are truly deserved while His grace covers us with gifts that could never be earned. Living in the place of grace and mercy means making our home in thanksgiving!

The cool northeast breeze brushed our sleepy but excited faces as we strolled eastward on the rock strewn beach toward the sunrise. In just a few hours our lives would forever change. We leisurely strolled back toward our house as we expressed excitement and thankfulness for what was about to unfold. The drive to the airport in New York is now a distant blur. That journey had taken place so many times before, but that day it was not toward a destination; it was toward a beginning. The flight was posted as being on time for arrival and we watched eagerly as the plane descended on the runway and made its approach to the gate. As the stream of passengers exited the jet way, there appeared a lady carrying a tiny woven basket in which lay a sleeping cherub we had named Jahan Matthew. Just six weeks old and less than eight pounds this treasure had come to us from India. As we held him and showered him with kisses he smiled broadly as he surveyed his parents and returned to his peaceful repose. That day in May of 1985, marked the beginning of many blessings that we have shared in the years since. That which began as seeking possibilities toward our goal as family has rendered many years of sustaining blessings. Love is the substance that fuels the engine that transforms possibilities into blessings and blessings into a heart of gratitude that can never be worn out.

The daylight is just beginning its assent from beyond the distant eastern hill. The puppy is fed and has had her morning romp through the dew covered yard. She has settled down at the foot of my chair for her first nap of the day. In the stillness of this hour I reflect on the peace that is God’s grace in these moments. The day and activities that will come along with it at this moment seem incidental to the peaceful communion with the Creator. These are the moments that sustain; that underpin the building of any agenda. Anticipation and mental preparation aside, the time of being cloaked in God’s presence provides the only sustainable fuel for the day ahead. No matter the challenges or conquests yet to come, I am grateful for the abiding love that comes from the God of grace. I am reminded that He can be no other than the love personified through His own self-sacrifice for each of us. Fueled with the wonder of His presence and propelled by the goodness of His consuming grace, the day ahead can now be navigated with a compass divinely not mine.

The autumn breeze was bone chilling even as the direct sunlight seemed to move west. The months of planning and the days of hurried and exciting preparation were behind us as we gathered for the focal event. The surroundings were beautifully displayed as nature’s grand expression for the lives of two young lovers being united before the crowd of family and friends there to witness. Attention to the beauty of the newlyweds superseded the chill that surrounded as everyone basked in the warmth of the love being expressed. Two people joined together as one family witnessed by extended family members that truly like each other added to the joy of the occasion. Gone were the days of preparation and anticipation as the moments of love expressed now filled the shelves of fondest memories. Music, dancing, dining and friendly chatter each took its place as the event flowed seamlessly into the glow of the evening. As the newlyweds drove away to their first night as family, those remaining reminisced fondly at the day’s events and the joy experienced. The planning and preparation had yielded its bountiful harvest. Gratitude now resides in the place called memory.

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