
The daylight is just beginning its assent from beyond the distant eastern hill. The puppy is fed and has had her morning romp through the dew covered yard. She has settled down at the foot of my chair for her first nap of the day. In the stillness of this hour I reflect on the peace that is God’s grace in these moments. The day and activities that will come along with it at this moment seem incidental to the peaceful communion with the Creator. These are the moments that sustain; that underpin the building of any agenda. Anticipation and mental preparation aside, the time of being cloaked in God’s presence provides the only sustainable fuel for the day ahead. No matter the challenges or conquests yet to come, I am grateful for the abiding love that comes from the God of grace. I am reminded that He can be no other than the love personified through His own self-sacrifice for each of us. Fueled with the wonder of His presence and propelled by the goodness of His consuming grace, the day ahead can now be navigated with a compass divinely not mine.

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