
The frosty fields glisten under the bright morning sun as a new day begins. The ravens have not yet emerged for their daily scavenging acts across the field and graveled drive. The chickens have arisen from their roost to begin their foraging agenda and the goats are already licking past the frost to nibble away at the bountiful pasture grass. The signs of a new day and what may appear to some as a new life have begun. The farm is host to many expressions of daily experiences. Digging deeper, one can’t help but be amazed at the plethora of life giving, life sustaining layers that exist in God’s domain. As the temperature emerges from the still cold freeze of the evening into the gentle welcome of the sunlit day this possessor of Parkinson’s embraces thoughts of gratitude for the possibilities that lie ahead. Assumptions of continued mobility and reasonable flexibility undergird the emerging agenda for today. The assumptions support the faith that tasks will be accomplished. Different assumptions would lead in a different direction that would require as much faith to accomplish. Today this grateful occupant chooses the assumption that focuses my faith on the positive outcomes and their attending reinforcements, being thankful for each step along the way!

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