He called to see if I was going to be at home. He said he wanted to drop by for a few minutes and “catch up” on a few things. As I saw his car approaching along the driveway, I went to the door to greet the brother of my best friend from high school. Somewhat stooped and looking a bit stressed, he slowly made it from his car to the porch where we greeted one another. I invited him in but he said he would prefer the fresh spring air as we sat on the north facing porch. “So how have you been”, I asked. “Well,” he said, “that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He told me he had just been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer that appeared to be spreading to other organs. He was very matter of fact and seemed clear headed that he was going to try some chemo and possible radiation therapy, but that the doctor didn’t expect he would make it for another year. I was somewhat lost for words (unusual for me)! Then he said; “I’d like for you to do my memorial service. “Of course,” I responded; “I would be honored to do that.” We shared a mutual cousin who had passed away a couple of years before, and I had done her graveside service as well.  His tone was very matter of fact as he shared with me his intention of extending his life as long as possible, but that he had also made friends with the fact that “death is simply a part of life.” We chatted about numerous things before he warmly said goodbye and crawled back in his car to head home. That was well over a year ago and he and we have been blessed with frequent contact and encouragement along his journey. His pain is great and his resolve and faith are each more solid than the day of his pronouncement. Grief stands to remind us of the joys and blessings that we have and do receive along this wonderful journey called life. Rather than being an emotion to avoid, I have learned to embrace those moments of grief as reminders (both tender and harsh) that when spread on the surface of gratitude, becomes a place of quiet comfort. Thanks for the warm embrace of life as you ponder all for which you are grateful!

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