As predicted, the snow came down gently covering the landscape as all objects external assumed their glistening places on the canvas of the hillside. After hours of snowy release from the sky above, the downward flow ceased as sun shone bright upon the newly dressed landscape. Prognosticators asserted that temperatures would plummet to single digits before rising to near springtime highs in just a few days. The roller coaster weather carries with it challenges for which one is best served to be prepared. As an unintended host to the bothersome symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, this aging country dweller is faced with often unpredicted challenges that disturb sleep, present resistant and stiff muscles in routine movements and illuminate points of pain that seemingly have no cause or promise of cessation. Experience has informed that the presence or absence of symptoms is not as predictable as forecasts of weather conditions. That same experience has revealed that whatever the condition (symptom or weather), change will supersede persistence and that sometimes change is a welcomed visitor. As I give thanks for the beauty of the snowy landscape, I am also filled with gratitude for the dissipation of the frosty powder as we navigate the roadway. Thankfulness even in the presence of untoward symptoms that are bothersome at the least is the foundation of the gratitude that gives strength to endure until they subside. Change of weather or symptoms is not in my command. However, expressions of thankfulness that build an arsenal of gratitude are mine to exercise and enjoy!

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