The winds were steadily blowing from the west as we sailed through the Straights of Gibraltar into the North Atlantic. A stop tomorrow in the Canary Islands will be the kick off of our seven day journey across the ocean to our Florida destination. Sleep disturbance has become the norm as a general 3:00 a.m. awakening starts a time of reflection not warranted but nonetheless present. Maintaining a steady presence while unwillingly hosting bothersome PD symptoms, this sometimes shaky but thankful participant engages every opportunity interacting with and meeting new people. We have met delightful people from South Africa, various regions of Canada, Estonia, and even a few from the US (the majority of fellow travelers). Resort hosts, investment brokers, a radio personality, an anesthesiologist, a radiologist, a general medicine practitioner, and multiples of retired and semi-retired people have each given meal time and social interactions a richness as so many have shared from their hearts about what is meaningful to each life.  Children, grandchildren, spouses, parents and just plain FAMILY have taken center stage even in the grand theater as much as the luncheon and dinner conversation. Gratitude has lifted this heart and mind above the otherwise stewing cauldron of political extremism, reactionary fear, or blind ignorance to a place of thankfully expressing the Maker’s love through seized opportunities. This hour and these minutes are what is now before each of us. We have the opportunity to make each count for good!

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