As we rounded each curve on the winding mountain road the misty rain was turning into layers of semi dense fog. Construction traffic had delayed our arrival by almost an hour, but the spectacular views through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia had brightened our way.  Now, at the highest point along the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania, we greet friends from the past and say hello to new ones with whom we will be sharing most of the weekend in this creaky but cozy old retreat center. Stiff and sore from the hours of confinement, this host to Parkinson’s begins to limber up during rehearsals with the chorus for the evening’s special music. Gratitude soon takes its place in the forefront of thoughts as we catch up with old acquaintances over dinner and prepare our hearts for the evening’s worship and discussion. The first message we hear challenges one to remember that living out one’s faith renders witness to the presence of the One in whom our faith resides. As we concluded our time together that evening, the rhythm of the rain falling on the leaves of the massive trees just outside the window invited us to a place of rest and renewal that first evening back at Kirkridge Retreat Center.

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