
The sun reflects brightly on the autumn landscape while enhancing the glow in the room we call the den. Relief and renewal have partnered after much needed and desired sleep. Twelve hours ago, the life experience was of a different sort. As I struggled to maintain focus on the text and lesson I had undertaken for our small group study the night before, the rage in my legs (I can think of no better way to describe it in one word) had become enormous. From the depths of the bones there existed a radiating neurological buzz that rendered my legs virtually useless, in spite of being enormously desired and needed. This otherwise distracting phenomenon usually happens in the mid afternoon and is most often diminished and or deleted after a thirty-to-forty-five-minute nap. That routine was undertaken, and I was assuming that I would be relieved of the challenge for the day. As the intensity of the pain began to emerge shortly after taking my seat at the table being shared for the study, I inwardly groaned and moved from one side to another, seeking to find a calming position for this restless invasion. Movement was slow and arduous. Even with the cane, I seemed only to be able to shuffle the pathway as we adjourned the session. The ten-minute journey home rendered my legs no less dis-abled than so many times before. As I prepared myself for bed and the ingestion of the remainder of the daily medications, I prayed for relief from the pain and a renewal of what has become my new normal. The prayer was favorably answered. Sleep was restful and renewing with no recollection of disturbing or alarming dreams. I have become more and more grateful for the times when rest and relaxation have become the route to restoration. This journey in the realm of Parkinsons has been one wherein I have been challenged in my thinking and often exhausted in the experience and revelation that this is a changing process. Right now, I am thankful that there is and has been relief from the pain of neural depravity and a place to rest a while. It is such a blessing to be reminded that in our deepest challenges may reside the glow of a sunlit day that brightens our way!

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